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2004-08-24 12:45:44
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back to the Colosseum

Bellona stretches, "Actually, to think about it I reallly should be going"... she stands up and disapears in a flash to the Pantheon.
"Hmmmm," Voluptas sighs. "Now that I think of it, I should see what those pathetic mortals are asking for today." She dissapears in a puff of smoke and a small crash of thunder.
Aurelius forces his way through the crowd. After watching the gladiators for a bit he chuckles to himself. "If I were to be put down there, I'd show these people what combat is all about." He looks about for familiar faces.

Malekith arrives at the Colosseum, and walks up behind Aurelius "Do you think you could best me, Aurelius?" He askes

Aurelius twitches a bit at hearing the voice of the Caesar's chief assasin behind him. "Maybe"follows the reply "I know what youre capable of, so would put my back to a wall first. You know, if we were to be combined into one being, the result would be an ideal warrior. Strength, speed, cunning, it would all be there."
Below in the arena the wrought iron gate releases a massive lion. This however is no lion like ever saw the great coliseum. Sinewy muscle ripples beneath a coat that gleams white in the bright sun and a magnificent mane pure as the driven snow covers his neck and throat thickly. Eyes blue as the sky above fix on his opponent. He pads quietly, unconcernedly, forth on paws the size of dinner plates, his head lowered as he watches his prey.
"It is a good thing that we both serve the ceasar then." said Malekith, "And bad for those who don't."

Aurelius laughs heartily. "Yes. Many are those who would oppose our ruler, but few are who have the power to do so. Tell me, where have you been disappearing to? I scarcely see you around town or anywhere else for that matter."
Paces agitatedly on the arena sand. His eyes flitting over not only the oppenent ready to face him but the crowd as well, almost thoughtfully. He flicks his long tail and makes another turn. His massive shoulders rolling with his gait. He crouches then, defensively and bears his hackles. A mouthful of lethal looking fangs is bared, the canines especially seem unique, not that of an average lion but abnormally long, nearing 10 inches, sabre-like and ivory in color. Like the cats of ancient days. He shakes his mane defiantly and snarls. A low resonating sound that echos from the stone walls.
"That is for me to know. You should know this Aurelius" respondes Malekith, a bit preturbed that someone other than Ikilios would question where he had been. "perhaps, in time I will trust you enought to tell you of my comings and goings. But in the meantime, I thought you would be here today. I took the liberty of booking a spot of time down on the combat floor. Right after the lion in fact. I am anxious to learn the extent of your skills."

"Is that so? I must thank you for that, as i have long been thirsting for a good fight. What are the stakes? And weapons to be used?"
Without warning the massive feline throws itself, snarling vehemently at the closed grate behind it where presumably the slaves which brought it out still linger. This achieving very little Altus turns once more to face the opponent he has been presented with. He eyes this potential prey, his pale blue eyes cold. His coat gleaming silver. He shakes his thick mane again and this time, he roars. A long low lingering sound that carries well out of the colosseum. A chill seems to penetrate the air along with the sound itself. A deep sort of cold, like ice.
Fortuna shook her head after Lucifer's departing. She sighed, then, agitated at not having anyone to talk to and not getting anything serious done, Fortuna decided that she'd have her own little bit of fun. She stood up from her bench and waved her right arm high into the air and flicked her wrist once. "Ha! Now we'll see how the servants of the Pantheon fair with their new found horridly bad luck!" She plopped back down onto the bench to watch the other mortals placing their bets with their hard earned Denar. She heard very many short prayers to her as the Denars hit the betting tables. She shook her head. "Some people..."
"The stakes are none. The weapons our own. I meerly desire to see what you can do. We shall wait untill the lion is done, and when the people arrive." said Malekith
Altus it seemed had other ideas. Having paced around his terrified prey he had deemed the frail prisonered undeserving of death by his claws. Turning his regal head he surveyed the jostling crowd and made up his mind. Bolting suddenly, savage black claws tearing into the sand for traction he made for the walls. Standing five feet at the shoulder this lion was indeed the size of an average horse. Shifting his weight to his muscular hindquarters he leapt, his forlegs stretched, his claws poised to catch himself and pull himself out of the arena.
"Hmmm... it seems the lion is trying to escape." mused Malekith, "what say you Aurelius, shall we hold our blades until we see what it does?"

"If it clears the wall I will have no choice but to jump on it. I am after all responsible for the safety of Rome's citizens."

The lion, being agile and large as he is, makes it. Pulling himself over the wall, his great claws leaving long gashes in the stone. Citizens scream and fly from their seats but the lion doesn't make chase just yet. He swishes his tail and surveys the chaos, as though seeking to select a specific victim...

"Well, here's the warm up" growles Malekith. Suddenly, faster that the eye can see, a throwing knife appeares in his hand and he hurls it towards the lion, catching it in the back of its hind left knee, severing the tendon

Turns with speed such as like the lwhite lightning of a summer storm and his coat glistens giving him that illusion. How convienent that a victim should volunteer. As lion's do not in fact have hind knees, and since the thrower was aiming for a main tendon it is the lion's hock which takes the blow. While the tendon is not severed being too sinewous and thick for a throwing dagger the massive cat snarls in pain as a crimson rivulet winds its way over his white fur. He does not spring however but hesitates...watching this new target with an eerily stong sense of wisdom in his eyes.

Aurelius moves around to flank the great beast. Gripping his sword in both hands he coiles like a snake ready to spring.

Malekith snarls at the inefectivness of the last dagger, and draws two more, knowing the lion, now facing him, is extremely vulnerable in the eyes

Crouches, his tail coiled around his hind legs. His neck and throat are, of course, well protected by his thick mane. He flicks an ear to the man flanking while keeping the other on the man in front of him. He turns, suddenly, deciding the one out of his range of vision is most offensive to him and swipes a dinner-plate sized paw with claws that could easily be six inches long when extended at Aurilius.

Aurelius sways back and feints an overhead blow. He then leaps to the right and swings a wide arc at the creature's ribs.

Malekith lets fly his dagger right when the lion turns, but is a bit to slow for the lightning speed of such an animal, as such, only one knife finds its mark, blinding the lions left eye, the other knife tangeling harmlessly in the lions mane.

Altus roared in pain at his blinded eye. Thrown by the stinging pain on his face his evasion of the sword across his ribs was not quite so successful. With now two new crimson streaks maring his immaculate white coat, he changed tactics. Leaping deftly over the pair of them and up higher in the stands he began pacing a bench, looking down on them imperiously, thinking.

Not taking his eyes off the lion, Aurelius called out "Malekith, it would be a shame to have my opponent killed. Watch the eyes. The second they stop, the beast will spring. try to catch it in the throat or underbelly." With that he advanced slowly toward it.

"Very well Aurelius" shouts Malekith, "You just keep the beast busy, and try to turn him toward me so I can get the best shot possible."

Altus it seemed had had quite enough of this nonsense. Giving a snarl he turned and bounded up the bleachers toward an exit. Favoring his hind leg only slightly though he knew he would feel it later...(so, pursue or do your thing...either way)

"The guards will take care of it. What do you say we get down to business, Malekith?"

"Indeed, Aurelius. I am already down in the pit. Follow, and we shall test your blade!" shouts Malekith, jumping down into the gladiator arena. He puts away his knives, and draws his longsword.

Aurelius leaps down after him. Not waiting for an attack he comes in with a lightning fast three hit combo.

Malekith blocks all three, moving his blade as fast as Aurelius. Malekith jumps back, and looses a knife, aimed directly at Aurelius' shoulder

Not expecting the attack, Aurelius falls backward to avoid the knife, scrambles back up to his feet quickly and without warning lunges forward with a yell stabbing at Malekith's chest.

Malekith rolls backwards, letting Aurelius' sword implant itself in the arena's wall, such was the blows stenth. Malekit kicks at the back of Aurelius' knees, buckling his legs, then lauches himself off the wall, over Aurelius' head, landing behind him

Ripping his sword out of the wall Aurelius spins around and swings more to keep the backstab away. He fakes an overhead blow, throws his sword downward, catches it with his other hand and delivers a slash from underneath.

Malekith, not expecting such an elaborat move, barely gets his sword up in time to block the attack. Making a quick recovery, he deftly spins his sword over the back of his hand, catching it with his other hand, which brings it up above his head, then down in an overhead chop

Moving with agility uncommon to men of his build, Aurelius blocks the attack, locking in grapple. Using his weight to full advantage he throws malekith back and stabs at his prone opponent.

Maekith rolls to the side, kicking out at Aurelius' stomach, then launches himself to his feet

Aurelius staggers back and regroups. He feints a stab and takes a sweep at Malekith's legs, following up with an uppercut slash.

Malekith, seeing his chance, uses his blade to turn Aurelius' so that the flat is facing up. Then lauching himself off Aurelius' sword, he jumps over his opponent, delivering a roundhouse kick to the back of Aurelius's head

Shaking off the effects of the kick Aurelius once again swing to protect his back. He then grips the sword in both hands and tenses up.

Malekith meerly smiles, pulls out a dagger, and throws it between Aurelius's feet to distract him, then lauches a stabbing attack.

Seemingly expecting the dagger, Aurelius evades it and hurles himself forward to meet his opponent head on, lashing out with a wide double handed chop from above.

Malekith drops to the ground, rolls into Aurelius' legs, tripping him. Jumping up, Malekith places the tip of his blade aginst the back of Aurelius' neck. "Do you yeild?" shouts out Malekith, so that the croud can hear

"Yes, I can do no more!" Aurelius calls back to Malekith in an equally loud voice. To show he is not lying he throws his sword and dagger out of reach. Turning over, he gets up. "Everything I have heard is true. It has been a pleasure fighting you." he salutes and extends a hand to Malekith.

Malekith extends his own hand and helps Aurelius to his feet. "It has been a good fight, we are nearly equal." Says Malekith, quiet enough so only Aurelius can here. "And now, I am sorry I must leave so quickely, but other matters will not wait" With that, both Aurelius and Malekith climb out of the arena, and leave the Colosseum
The lion had long since left. Slinking out into the sanctity of the night but the populated city...wounded...Altus has left the colosseum, into the Latium
Lucius arrived at the colosseum with a dozen guards and Leonor in chains. He hurriedly made his way to the prisons, too excited to take heed of his surroundings and the stares of the people. From Leonor's clothes, they knew she was from the palace and they wondered why she was in chains. Lucius wanted to laugh at his success.

The door to a prison cell opened and Leonor was thrown in. She immediately flung herself out but not in time. The gates closed on her and Leonor fell to the ground with a cry. The guards sneered. Lucius looked down at her. "Enjoy your stay here, princess, for this will temporarily be your new home, until it is time for you to move again." Lucius snarled.

"This is your doing!" Leonor cried out.

Lucius laughed. "Indeed!" He replied, laughing. "And your poor caesar shan't know it until he watches me stab him through and feed on his blood."

"No!" Leonor cried, grasping the prison bars. Lucius walked away laughing, heading back to the palace.

Leonor leaned her forehead on the bars and wept.

Lucifer pops in behind the bars next to Leonor. He makes himself visible to her and coughs politely.
Sarconia entered the Colloseum from the palace and looked around. She was frusterated and lonely. She walked to a bench and sat down, putting her head in her hands, trying to think.
Leonor opened her eyes and saw Lucifer beside her. Her eyes grew wide. "So the gods haven't abandoned me!" Leonor breathed out.

Lucifer turned to look behind him, joking around. "Really? Oh yeah, I am a God aren't I. Nice mess you're in here." he yawns and stands, walking through the bars and standing on the other side. "Mortals are so..." he walks back to Leonor. "Solid!"

Leonor grasped the bars and lowered her eyes. "I do not know the crime for which I've been accused of committing..." Leonor whispered.

Lucifer shook his head with a sigh and put a hand around her shoulders,squeezing her gently. "You ever broke out of jail? Common, be honest you little jail bird."

"Break out of jail? Never! I've never been in prison to begin with! But if I do break out, wouldn't that only make matters worse?" Leonor asked, though she desperately wanted to get out and speak with Ikilios. But the problem was, would he acknowledge her presence? It was hopeless for her...but Leonor had to make Ikilios see that Lucius meant evil against him.

Lucifer shook his head with a sigh. "You have got to try it. The latest trend everywhere!" He laughed at his own joke and pulled away from Leonor. He rubbed his palms together and walked up to the bars. He got a serious look on his face and turned to her. "Step back and shade your eyes."

Kaeso entered the Colosseum, and wandered around a little, feeling extremely self concious and out of place. He knew if he was caught looking for Leonor he'd be associated with her and would be suspected himself, but a part of him wouldn't believe she had done anything. He wandered around a little, until he heard her voice, first softer than louder as he got near.
Leonor took a breath as she stepped back and covered her eyes. She shut them tight, waiting for whatever Lucifer meant to do.

Lucifer turned back to the bars and wrapped his hands around them. He shut his eyes and forced light into the bars, filtering thousands of watts into the metal bars. He opened his eyes and noticed that the cheap metal already glowed white hot. He let go of them and reached back to form a fist with his left hand. He crashed the fist into the weak section of the bar and it shattered. He did the same to the other bar and stepped back, smiling with achievement.

Leonor opened her eyes and gawked in amazement. She was a bit hesitant to step through and looked to Lucifer for confidence. She had to warn Ikilios and the feeling won over. She climbed out and smiled at Lucifer. "I am eternally indebted to you, great one." Leonor said, looking up at him with watery eyes.

Lucifer smiled warmly down at her, "No debt. I did this out of love...I have an affinity for people with hearts." he laughed, "Unlike Lucius, yuo have quite the nice one. Now, go! You must warn Ikillios immediately. But before you go...A god's gift." He pressed two fingers to his lips and kissed them softly. He touched the two fingers to her forehead and the spot where they touched glowed for a moment before he removed his fingers.
Sarconia hit her head up against the wall three times and stood up. She hit the bench she was sitting on, and left the colosseum for the palace.
leonoe smiled at lucifer's gift and left in a sudden burst, running into kaeso.

Kaeso looked down at the small bullet that had just run into him, suddenly perplexed as it seemed to be Leonor... but she was in jail wasn't she? He picked her up by her elbows, "Leonor?! I heard you were jailed... how?.. I mean what?..." He took a deep breath, "What's going on?"

Lucifer leaves for the Pantheon with a small laugh left on the air.

"Dear kaeso! How good it is to see a friendly face! Lucifer has blessed me and helped me escape! Come! I must warn Caesar of Lucius. He is scheming against Caesar and he must be warned!" Leonor cried out, tugging him along before they got caught.

Kaeso allowed himself to be pulled along, although still thoroughly confused. He had caught the words, Lucifer escape, and warn Caesar, so he ran along, trying to gather his thoughts. He pulled off the top of his toga, leaving the bottom- although this marked him as a commoner now instead of a subject in the palace. He stopped Leonor for a second and tied it around her head and face as a veil. "Lucifer may know you're innocent but not everyone in Rome does- Lucius will be keeping an eye out for you, hopefully this will hide you a bit"

"Thank the gods you're with me, Kaeso, for I would've never thought of it!" Leonor breathed out with a smile. she grasped his wrist and tugged him through the crowds.

Libitina appeared again and walked among the living mortals, many shuddered and drew away despite not being able to see her. She stopped not far from where the dying were and reached out to them and took them away from the lands of the livimg to her realm of the Underworld. She perched herself on the edge of a wall and waited for the next batch of dying to come to pass, the Colosseum tended to cause her a great deal of work.
Ikilios entered the crowds of the colosseum from the palace, desperately ting to push his way through to the prison cells.

Kathryn nimbly caught up to Ikilios who was trying to get to the prision Kathryn laid a hand on Ikilio's arm. " You need to calm down. Look for openings in the crowd instead of charging blindly through them." Kathryn said calmly into Ikilios ear.

A few steps behind came Aurelius with his soldiers warily looking about for signs of trouble.
Leonor frantically shoved her way through, getting elbowed here and there. Wincing, Leonor found a crack of open space and ran for it. Just as she bolted, a strong and hard-bodied man ran right into her path and she collided into him with a cry.

Ikilios sat up angrily and turned to the person that ran into him so forcefully. He stood up, dusting himself. It was a veiled woman and she was struggling up. "You should watch where you're running off to, lady. Someone could get hurt! Now out of my way!" Ikilios shouted angrily.

"Ikilios!" Leonor breathed out in relief, her entire body warming up. She jumped at him without thinking and wrapped her arms around his neck. She had tears running down her face.

Ikilios frowned, trying to get the woman off of him. He froze. The smell, the voice, it was all too familiar. "Leonor?" he whispered softly, standing stiff, too afraid he was dreaming and she'd disappear if he made the slightest move.

Leonor shut her eyes tightly and leaned into his neck, hugging him tightly. She wept. Had he come back for her? Did he know the truth? "Oh Ikilios," Leonor said softly, merely saying his name bringing comfort to her heart.

Ikilios closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around her, bringing her close, assuring himself that she was real and not just a vision of his grief. "By the gods, Leonor, I don't know what I've done to you and myself," he whispered, kissing her shoulder.

Wide-eyed, Leonor pulled away abruptly. "Ikilios, it was Lucius! It's all Lucius' doing! Please, do something about him in this time the gods have given us! Please, before you bring more harm to yourself! I won't be able to live with myself if something terrible happened, and I believe something terrible will happen some time soon! I was released by Lucifer to warn you, Ikilios. You must rid yourself and Rome of Lucius!" Leonor warned. She gasped and looked around. How foolish of her to babble about this so loudly in public!! Leonor turned red and pulled down the veil Kaeso had made her. "Please, Ikilios," Leonor said, taking cautious glances around.

Ikilios didnt push away her words, for he learned his mistake of excusing warnings already. His heart felt heavy, but he was incredibly relieved that Leonor had not been killed...or something worse. His relief overwhelmed him. Ikilios took hold of Leonor and pulled her to him, covering her mouth with his and kissing her with a passion he didn't know he possessed.

Leonor was wide-eyed with shock at Ikilios' kiss. Then, everything settled in. Her stomach did flips and her heart warmed and fluttered. Her knees turned weak and she had no choice but to hold onto Ikilios in fear of falling. She submitted to his kiss, losing herself in the bliss. 
Leonor broke away abruptly as she was reminded of their meeting. "Caesar! The fate of Rome is in unrest and you would dare attempt such an act!" Leonor scolded, blushing ever deeply.

Ikilios stared at Leonor and smiled crookedly. He took her hand. "Then come with me and be the star that lights my path." Ikilios said softly. He truly did not know what he wished to do with Lucius. At the moment, he wanted Lucius dead for daring to even betray him like this. He turned to look at his other companions. What was he to do? Ikilios lowered his eyes.

"I suggest..." Kathryn said with a mischevious smile " that we either find an inn or return to the palace. She will be safe in the palace Ikilios. With Glory, the lion, me and your guards, also I bet your personal assassion to guard her and YOU. We will get Lucius. The choice is yours an inn where you could be ambushed or the palace where you could be ambushed BUT! you have more room for offense and defense. The choice is yours." Kathryn finished never letting her eyes leave Ikilios.

Ikilios knew he would be ambushed either way...but the palace sounded safer...he knew the palace more than the inns. Ikilios smiled at Kathryn. "I shall keep Leonor safe in the palace, if you, my friends, will be willing to help defend the palace." Ikilios said. Ikilios turned to Aurelius. "Aurelius, post your men around Latium. Be on your guard. Expect an attack soon, if I know Lucius correctly." Ikilios said, pulling Leonor closer to him protectively. Thank you, gods, for keeping her I only pray you keep Rome up on righteous feet. If Lucius is the right ruler, I will step down humbly...but please, only for the best of Rome! Ikilios couldn't believe it came down to this. 

Kaeso shifted nervously on his feet, shooting wary glances at the people around him, hand resting tentatively on the meat cleaver he had brought with him, just in case. "Ahem. My lord? Leonor? I don't want to interrupt your reunion, but Kathryn is right, you should be heading out of here. I cannot speak with any authority, but I don't believe a public place such as this is not a great choice to conduct military defenses. Lucius must have spies and in such a popular place as this, word is probably already headed back to him. If secret is a must, then this is not the place to act out such matters."

"Yes sir!" Aurelius growled, saluting. He was pleased to see that decisive action was being taken. "Take word back to the barraks," he said turning one of to his soldiers "that we are to have a full stand-to. I want every available soldier to garrison the palace and any who are not on duty to be called up within an hour. That's all.... No, wait! Should that snake Lucius turn up anywhere, I want him taken alive, and any who may be accompanying him. Go!" He turned back to Ikilios "Sire, I must insist that we make haste to get back to the palace. I have suspicons that we have more than Lucius to worry about." Aurelius drew his sword and formed up the remaining troops in a wall of shields and spears around the caesar. "Nobody is to come within spear's reach of him!"

"Come Ikilios. It is time to strike back. We will follow where you lead. So lead." Kathryn said her eyes hard and merciless. She had plans for that pig Lucius. She just hoped she got to him before the guards did. No one did that to a friend of hers and got away with it. Kathryn rested a hand unobtrusively on her side where she was wearing one of her knives she would defend those she had pledged to protect.

"One more thing, my liege," said Aurelius "Forgive me for taking matters into my own hands, but I think it will be best to concentrate the men in the palace and fortify it. Firstly, they will have a better chance should there be an attack, as it is easier to defend a building than open ground. I also fear a threat from within. There may be secret passages within the palace that I am not aware of. Should that be the case, Lucius could launch an attack through there. In that scenario it would be best to have all troops present to repel him."

"So be it...fortify the palace. But I wish my people to be safe as well, not just Leonor and I." Ikilios stated. He looked down at Leonor, looking so small and vulnerable in his arms and surrounded by the soldiers. He led her away. Ikilios and Leonor went to the palace, surrounded by the group of soldiers and Aurelius.

Kaeso follows them to the palace

Kathryn followed them guarding the rear.

the muse walks though the halls of the great Colosseum comes out by the emperors seat looks out an the raw carnage" maybe even here art can flerish"looks at the mortals around her"art has no canvise here"walks away
Tuhai-Bei entered the colloseum after much wandering the streets. This looks like a good place to strech. He thought. Within moments he was booking a fight: himself against fifteen opponents. Since today was all booked up, he was to fight tomorrow in the evening.

Libitina watched Tuhai-Bei as he booked himself in for those odds. Well my work is about to increase she thought. She walked past him lightly brushing his shoulder and went about claiming her lost souls.
It was late evening by the time the fight was beginning. Tuhai Bei stood facing his opponents, no emotions showing on his weather-beaten face. Without taking his eyes off them he handed off his sword and bow to one of the guards, leaving only his poleaxe in its sling. A long staredown began.

After many tense minutes that seemed to drag by like ages, the celts broke it off and moved to surround their foe. Tuhai-Bei took his axe, gripped it in both hands (as it was far too heavy even for him to use in one) off the sling and watched them with almost a detached unconcern. Suddenly, like a thunderbolt out of a clear sky he darted over to a packed group of men, spun around and sent the first within reach sailing through the air, his shield and the arm holding it in a ragged mess. Carving a path of doom through two more who tried to block his path, cutting them in half at the waist with a single sweep of the axe, he got to the last two in that group. Butting one of them in the face with the blutn end of his axe he spun and lopped the other's legs off, sending him screaming to the ground.

The last man in this group seemed rather hesitant to attack. Having pulled himself together he lunged forward and stabbed with speed and accuracy sufficient to beat most opponents. Most of them... Tuhai-Bei diverted the blow to the right with the haft of his weapon and followed up with an almost effortless uppercut slash, lifting his foe's bearded head clean off the body. After enjoying the little blood spray he turned to writhing form the crippled man. Swinging his axe high above his head he pinned the poor bastard to the ground, putting him out of his misery.

The two other groups of five, seeing their comrades flopping all over like fish on a pier, banded together, believing in strength in numbers. The fighter with the mangled arm ran to join them. Tuhai-Bei simply looked up at them and smiled inwardly. He laid his enormous weapon down on one shoulder and walked unhurriedly toward them. They tensed as he approached. This time their tactics were more agressive. A heavily musled celt with a flail lashed out at Tuhai-Bei. Letting the chain wrap around the haft, Tuhai-Bei disarmed him with a flick of the wrists and drove the axe into the man's stomach, lifting him off the ground, and then hurled him back toward the rest of the celts with a mighty thrust of his arms. While they darted to the sides to dodge the flying corpse, he came in with a long reaching sweep, cutting three more in half and hitting one with the long, thick haft, all in the same swing. The latter fell to the ground blood flowing from his mouth. Two others, the more nimble ones of the lot dodged out of the way.

Not letting them breathe, Tuhai Bei was on them once more. Spinning his axe in deadly arcs above his head he advanced toward them. None of the gladiators had anything long enough to reach him through the blur of wood and steel. The one of the more cunning and callous fighters suddenly grabbed the wounded man and hurled him into the path of the axe headfirst. The weapon split the man from the top of his head down to the waist and lodged in the pelvic bone. Seeing that trying to free the blade was not a good idea, Tuhai Bei dropped thedisfigured body and embedded weapon. Thinking victory to be near an aged warrior with a sword charged at him.

The blade struck, but instead of tearing the flesh it rang and glanced back as though hitting a statue. The sacred tattoos did not fail Tuhai-Bei. He flicked his head forward and lashed out with his braid knife, catching the man in the eye. Yanking the blade loose he spun with his whole body to force his opponents to back off. Hearing a shuffle behind him he turned to see a hulking celt with a two handed axe almost as big as his own raised right behind him. Catching the haft of the weapon he shifted his weight to his front leg and used the man's own momentum to drive him along and force him to release the axe. Before his opponent could regain his balance, Tuhai-Bei turned, slightly jumped up into the air swinging the axe over his head in both hands, and brough it down on the unfortunate's head, splitting it all the way to the shoulders. The body spasmed, the arms desperately clutching at the head of the axe, but soon went limp and fell over.

While the remaining gladiators gaped, he took the chance to dislodge his own weapon, and, getting bored of playing with these mice, he came at them full force. Spinning around in his usual fashion he wnet berserk on one individual, lopping off his head, then cutting him in half at the waist then severing the still standing legs at the knees. He then threw another against the wall and pressed the haft of his axe Against his neck, lifting him up and off the ground in an attempt to strangle him. His friend lashed out with a mace. Tuhai-Bei was forced to drop his victim unstrangled and roll under the attack, ending up behind the two. He spun his axe, not hitting anything, then spun it again with the same result, then once more over his head, taking half the head off the one who last attacked him. Carrying the momentum on, he leaped high into the air, letting go of his axe, letting it spin freely under his legs to chop across the chest of the last celt standing, leaving half his body hanging by a thread. catching the blood spattered weapon before it hit the ground, he looked up at the crowd and walked out of the arena, picking up his sword and bow along the way. Well, maybe I am not as rusty as I thought.

Libitina watched with blatant admiration of the warrior. That mad should be dead, and yet we was walking out the arena. She set about to gathering up the souls of his victims. before vanishing out of the Colosseum like a gust of wind

Ares appeared at the back of the Collosseum.No one noticed the cloaked figure who wasnt there one minute then was the next.
Ares sighed mostly to himself. He liked to come here when he needed to think. After a while he left for Ikilios' Palace 6

Back to Ikilios' Palace, Ikilios' Palace 2 , Ikilios' Palace 5
Back to the Pantheon, Pantheon 2, Pantheon 4
back to Latium, Latium 2
back to Rome

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2004-02-13 [Roccoriel]: I loathe the city. I absolutly hate going downtown or let alone anywhere in a city. Fort Collins is just about my size and maybe even the upper limit.

2004-02-13 [cheesemonkey]: cities r nice....but i cant stand the pollution..i hate it

2004-02-13 [ShiftySkillet]: im a photographer, so i find beauty everywhere...the city just has wonderful oppurtunities for some "urban shots"

2004-02-13 [Roccoriel]: like I said, I hate cities, I hate urban sprawl and I think the answer for highlands ranch is napalm

2004-02-13 [ShiftySkillet]: ugh...*spits on the ground at the mention of napalm*

2004-02-13 [cheesemonkey]: lol

2004-02-13 [ShiftySkillet]: i hate kills beauty and leaves desolation...nothing good comes of it cept that it puts out fires...BUT WHY NOT DUMP WATER, SHIT LOADS OF WATER!?

2004-02-13 [Roccoriel]: napalm...napalm burns...highlands ranch=massive sprawl of ugly cardboard box houses

2004-02-13 [DeadHead]: ....riiight

2004-02-13 [ShiftySkillet]: eh..

2004-02-13 [ShiftySkillet]: LEONOR!? HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!?

2004-02-13 [test_drive]: helllooo~!

2004-02-13 [ShiftySkillet]: ^^

2004-02-15 [Kit Azhure]: I suggest that Leonor and Kaeso bump into Kathryn and Ikilios... ; )

2004-02-15 [test_drive]: thats wat i was thinking! great minds think alike~!

2004-02-15 [Kit Azhure]: : )

2004-02-15 [Roccoriel]: um...would the emperor need to try and get through the crowd? wouldn't he have gaurds and have a way made for him

2004-02-15 [test_drive]: well, he really never took an escort...he just bolted off....but, o wel...

2004-02-15 [Roccoriel]: true...

2004-02-15 [Kit Azhure]: eh...just role with it... now it will be faster what about Leonor and "accidentally" bumping into us?

2004-02-16 [ShiftySkillet]: *looks at ikilios and leonor* AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!

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